Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Life Fitness

The founder of the idea, referring to: was an American physician Dr. Howard Hay, Who Himself compiled this method due to kidney disease. No study has yet Shown That the combination of nutrients affected the metabolimus and Henco the weight loss. And if the diets Would work, then it is the Ivy Málková of Stob Because there is no automatic Pecking Between meals. "At least slimmer you need to Recognize Whether a given food due to previous eating Certain types of food They can afford. Usuall reduce caloric intake Because They Take A Higher Proportion of plant foods, and a Smaller Proportion of fatty foods," says Iva Málková .

The method is based on the FACT That certain foods needed for the digestion of acidic pH environment, while others alkaline. This digestion was Carried out without Complications and burdens of the organism, protein and carbohydrate foods should not be combine                                                                         >>>>>CLICK HERE FORE MOR INFO<<<< 
Divided food is inaccurately Referred to as diet, rather a lifestyle. It is a balanced harmony of food, According To That research not only help people get rid of excess weight, but weight Increase ook malnourished. According to the MD. Catherine Cajthamlová concept but does not make much sense to split meals. "There's no way the components separated already in the food itself, so this is more of a ritual thing to think about your lifestyle and what we eat. Whereas Previously we had many and nonsense, now more check and definitely Increase the intake fruits and vegetables , "sees popular diet doctor in split some positives.

"Divided diets, compared to other dietary methods, to our body in terms of health is definitely Harmful. Starvation does not occur to a person Enters the body all the Important food components. Contrast, various sources claim That we are Divided Protects food our digestive System Is Not Overloaded digestion proteins and carbohydrates together, "says Linda method Procházková, nutrition adviser Center Bomton beauty.

Important food distribution
The principle of the division of food in this case the three groups, Which are combined According to the rules or not combined at all.

The first category can be Described as proteins, carbohydrates, and the second and third as a neutral food. Each of the groups it needs its digestion in the gastrointestinal tract of different environments: proteins require a very low pH and high carbohydrate vice versa.

The combination of the two groups of food for digestion is not optimal, because the points of the paradoxically consume large portion of energy on your digestive process. THUS, if we Respect The distribution of food, the digestive tract and with less strain and Prevents the normal fatigue after eating.

Rules for compliance
Group of proteins and carbohydrates are not combined, a neutral third party can complement both. Rules methods is, They can eat all day only proteins or carbohydrates.

Some promoters split diets Claims That you just rotate groups Within each construct daily meals with a spacing of at Least 4 hours. He Would, referring to: have each construct group Regularly rotate, That even if someone more tasty food only one group.

Is it Possible That we, for example five Consecutive days eating only protein. "This option Would really not recommend trying. Indeed, When The points not Deliver the Necessary energy from carbohydrates, thereby greatly Charged will be the central nervous system and our body does not have enough energy to function properly," Warns Procházková.

Classification of foods into groups
Split diets Strictly forbids consumption of coffee, black tea, cocoa and chocolate. Further, it Would not Appear on the menu pork, products made from white flour, mayonnaise, peanuts, salt or canned products.

Protein group

This group is Mainly meat and meat products. Besides pork here can be eaten any meat That is cooked. It is Necessary to Avoid frying in breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs Belongs to the category of carbohydrates, and smoked variant processing. Also included are soy and dairy products, low fat milk, eggs and cheese.
The group of proteins Which include the selected fruit may be eaten citrus, exotic fruits, sour apples and pears, apricots, peaches and cherries. The drinks are recommended fruit teas, dry white and dry red wine or champagne.

Saccharide group
The latter group is Particularly rich in wholemeal products and rice. It includes some vegetables: potatoes, cabbage and corn, sweet and dry fruits as bananas, figs, grapes, or dried fruit. Can consume juices, syrups, maple syrup and honey. In alcoholic drinks beer.

Neutral Group                              
The advantage of this group is That it can be combined with others, or can be left alone. It Belongs here fermented milk products, cheese, with more Than 50% share of fat, most vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, beans, spinach, lettuce and kohlrabi) and smoked meat. For other foods, then nuts, mushrooms and herb teas. Alcohol only in the form of spirits.Advantage partitioned diet is That it can keep a long time and can solve the digestive problems. "At no time divided by diet restriction is not, there are people Who tribute games whole life, but someone does not turn its long-term use to sit. Foods rich in fiber are very beneficial for the proper functioning of digestion and digestion, as well as dairy products rich in lactobacilli have very positive effect on our digestion, "says nutrition counselor.

On the market there are many cookbooks with recipes That are assembled by groups. Bored in the diet Certainly will not.

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